Within Natural Health is a holistic health center that serves Rockville Centre and its surrounding communities of Oceanside, Lynbrook, Baldwin and East Rockaway. We go beyond the limitations of traditional healthcare and offer solutions as to why a person's body isn't functioning properly and take the necessary steps to restoring it to its most optimal state of healing.
Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, looking to optimize your well-being, or simply curious about natural health, we're here to support you on your unique journey.
We can't wait to meet you!
At Within Natural Health we truly get down to the "WHY" you're having your symptoms and health problems! We find the root cause of your symptoms and ultimately help you drop the "LABEL" that you've gotten to know as your condition.
All of our services, whether it be quantum (KST) chiropractic, nutrition, acupuncture, PEMF, and so much more - allows us to retrieve your health answers and solutions from your body's wisdom. This is what gives us the EDGE on your health!
We don't guess what you need-we energetically test for the answers! This edge makes us better equipped to meet your healthcare needs and we have a long-term track record of getting clients healthy to prove it.
We can't wait to partner with you to provide long-term sustainable change to help you take charge of your health.
When it comes to your health, we don't guess, we energetically test! Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, we utilize the most in-depth testing and cutting-edge diagnostic tools to uncover the hidden sources of health problems. We welcome you to bring your tests results from other practitioners and if further testing is needed we will guide you through the process.
We rely on a scientific approach called quantum bio-energetic field testing, influenced by ideas of Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla. This method helps us examine your body's bio-field to create bio-identical tailored solutions that will be precisely matched to elevate your body's function. This works and is similar to magnet technology where the magnetic poles can either attract or oppose each other. In your body's bio-field, your body can either attract or repel bio cellular information, similar to magnets. The information provided allows us to find your body's stressors and solutions using bio- energetic cellular information. Bottom line-we find answers on a cellular level!
Energetically, we're able to determine if you're struggling with food sensitivities, chemical and heavy metal toxicities, having immune challenges and/or experiencing electrical interferences which hinder the body's ability to heal.
Our Rockville Centre practitioners are dedicated to finding the missing piece that will help you heal. The body holds all the answers and we are dedicated to delivering that message! The body has the power to heal as long as it is given exactly what it needs and asking the body what it needs, is our specialty.
In our mastery of solving health puzzles we are committed to helping bodies recover, whether it's helping patients getting off transplants lists to simply helping restore gut disorders.
LET'S GET STARTEDYou're never walking alone on your unique path to conquering health hurdles. We can't wait to help you unlock your health potential, naturally.
Get started today by booking an appointment with our natural health team in Rockville Centre.
CONTACT US(516) 868-8100