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Magnifying glass showing parasites in man's stomach

Parasite Cell Core Cleanse in Rockville Centre

Heat, Heal, and Rejuvenate: Experience the Infrared Difference

You are exposed to toxins every single day! Even your body generates its own toxins as a natural byproduct of its functioning. Furthermore, you’re also exposed to external toxins, which are chemicals originating from sources outside your body. These external toxins can be found in the air you breathe, the food you eat, the water you drink, and the products you interact with such as shampoos, lotions, clothes and detergents. This exposure has the potential to overwhelm your body’s innate detoxification mechanisms.

This exposure has the potential to overwhelm your body’s innate detoxification mechanisms.


Top Signs You May Need a Detox:

  • Feeling Fatigued
  • Brain Fog
  • Joint Pain
  • Headaches
  • Indigestion, gas or bloating
  • Seasonal Allergies
  • Weight Gain
  • Food Cravings
  • Low Energy
  • Constipation
  • Eczema
  • Acne
  • Rashes
  • Insomnia
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Snoring
  • Low Libido
  • Chemo & radiation side effects

Take the Toxic Overload Questionnaire!


Parasites: Types, Symptoms, Tests, and Treatment

Regrettably, a significant number of conventional healthcare professionals in the United States remain unaware of the prevalence of parasitic infections. Patients often recount instances where other healthcare providers dismiss their concerns, attributing their symptoms to psychological factors. It is essential to emphasize that parasites are undeniably real and highly probable contributors to your health issues.

Parasitic infections are more prevalent in developed nations than many individuals might assume. To illustrate, it is estimated that over 12% of Americans harbor Toxoplasma gondii, a microscopic parasite that can be transmitted by contact with cats.

Neglecting parasites will not lead to their disappearance. Moreover, the escalating levels of environmental toxicity due to factors such as pollution may exacerbate issues related to parasitic infections. Toxins have the potential to compromise your body’s immune defenses and disrupt the activity of parasites.

Parasites can trigger a wide range of health issues. In some cases, they may be the real culprit behind chronic problems like irritable bowel syndrome and some autoimmune diseases.
What Is a Parasite?

Parasites are microorganisms that inhabit and thrive within or on other organisms. They have the capacity to inflict considerable harm, typically sustaining themselves at the cost of their host, as they rely on their host for sustenance.

These critters can range in size: some are microscopic, while others can easily be seen by the naked eye. An adult tapeworm can reach a length of more than 49 feet.

Some microscopic parasites live inside your cells, such as red blood cells or fat cells.

Larger critters — like parasitic worms — are more likely to live in the spaces between your cells.

Parasites have the ability to infiltrate various parts of your body, including your muscles, lymphatic system, brain, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, liver, and other organs and tissues. They can also impede the normal functioning of these organs by causing obstructions. For instance, certain types of worms can obstruct intestinal valves or block your bile ducts.

How do parasites get away with all this?

The critters use various tactics to evade and manipulate your immune system even by altering their form.

For example, single-celled parasites can change the proteins on their surface, so your immune cells don’t recognize them.

You need to be smarter than the parasites if you want to kick them out and reclaim your health. Gaining the upper hand starts with knowing the symptoms of parasitic infections.

What Are the Symptoms of Having a Parasite?

Most range in digestive symptoms. May lead to being misdiagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.

Parasites typically exhibit heightened activity during nighttime hours. This can lead to an increase in symptoms when you’re attempting to sleep, although symptoms can manifest at any time throughout the day, and some may persist continuously.

Parasites can be likened to a deceptive Trojan horse, adding complexity to the task of identifying the root cause of your symptoms.

Some of the signs and symptoms linked with parasite infections are:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Air hunger
  • Allergies
  • Anemia
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Bed-wetting (kids)
  • Bladder inflammation
  • Bloating
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Eye inflammation
  • Fever
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Food sensitivities
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Gassiness
  • Hashimoto’s
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Anal itching
  • Leaky gut
  • Low blood sugar
  • Muscle & joint pain
  • Nausea
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Seizures
  • Skin rashes & sores
  • Teeth grinding
  • Vomiting
  • Weak immunity
  • Weight loss

How Does a Person Get a Parasite?

They are EVERYWHERE —in water, food, pets, soil, other people, and surfaces you may touch.

Food: undercooked meat, seafood, raw food, fruits, veggies.

Water: municipal water, swimming in contaminated lakes, streams, and swimming pools.

Soil: walking barefoot outside. Ascaris, hookworm, and whipworm commonly contaminate the soil and may linger for years. Wear shoes when walking in questionable areas, including where animals poop.

Pets: Furry friends i.e. handling contaminated kitty litter. And wash your hands well after touching pets. Parasite eggs can stick in their fur.

Blood transfusions: donate blood, some people don’t even know they’re infected and labs only test for certain parasites in blood donations.

Surfaces: Toys, bedding, door handles, and other objects can be tainted with parasites, particularly tiny pinworm eggs. These eggs can also become airborne. They can linger on objects and in the air for a few weeks and then you come along and breathe them in.

Toilets: Pinworms can stick to toilet seats and can contaminate other objects in the restroom. If you must sit on a public toilet seat, create a barrier first.

Other people: If someone is infected and doesn’t wash their hands well after using the restroom, they could pass parasites to you. Also, an infected mother can transmit certain parasites to her unborn child. And some parasites are transmitted sexually, including T. vaginalis.

Heavy metal toxicity: Heavy metals can weaken your immune system. Parasites tend to accumulate heavy metals. These can be released when you kill the critters.

How Are Parasites Diagnosed?

Stool tests: You can submit stool samples to a lab to check if you have intestinal parasites or their eggs (ova). These are called ova and parasite (O&P) tests.

Blood tests: There isn’t such a thing as a blood test that checks for every type of parasite. Instead, the tests are used to check for a few specific types of parasites that the doctor suspects you might have.

Visible parasites: Lab staff may look directly at a specially stained blood smear under a microscope.

Imaging and other tests: Imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI scans, and CAT scans may pick up signs of parasites in your body tissues.

Another type of test that may reveal parasites is an Endoscopy. It involves sending a tiny camera through your digestive tract. Expensive and invasive!

How Accurate is Parasite Testing?

Typically, inadequate. Several factors contribute to the likelihood of parasite tests being inaccurate.

Insufficient training: The technician who’s looking at your stool or blood sample may not be highly trained and experienced.

Shortage of time: Medical labs are often very busy with many tests to complete. If a technician is underqualified and rushed, the risk for errors increases.

Improper storage: If your specimen isn’t handled correctly, you’re unlikely to get an accurate result.

Rapid DNA destruction: Though genetic tests are available to detect parasites in your samples, parasites can destroy their DNA when they die. If a sample isn’t appropriately preserved and transported quickly, the test results could be invalid.

Functional medicine parasite experts agree there’s one foolproof test for detecting parasites. Take your first two fingers and place them on your other wrist. If you have a pulse, you likely have parasites.

What Does the Cellcore Parasite Cleanse Consist of?

The Cellcore parasite cleanse is a program crafted to aid in the removal of parasites and other detrimental organisms from the body.

The Cellcore parasite cleanse aims to support your body’s natural detoxification processes and eliminate parasites and other harmful organisms that can contribute to a range of health issues, such as digestive problems, fatigue, and skin issues. It involves a combination of targeted supplements, dietary changes, and self-care practices to help you achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

The supplements in this kit provide key herbs and nutrients to support the body’s natural ability to detoxify during a full moon.

The following are the basic phases of this cleanse:

Preparation phase: Before starting the cleanse, you will need to prepare your body by avoiding certain foods, such as sugar and processed foods.

Anti-parasitic phase: The main phase of the cleanse involves taking a combination of supplements that are designed to target and eliminate parasites and other harmful organisms in the body. These supplements may include herbal formulas, bioactive carbon products, and other targeted supplements.

Detoxification phase: After completing the anti-parasitic phase, you will move into a detoxification phase that involves supporting your body’s natural detoxification processes with specific supplements, such as liver support and lymphatic drainage formulas.

Maintenance phase: Once the cleanse is complete, you will enter a maintenance phase that involves continuing to take certain supplements to help prevent re-infection and maintain healthy gut function.

The Cellcore Parasite Cleanse Benefits:

  • Improved Weight Management
  • Increased Energy & Vitality
  • Better Digestion
  • Less Bloating
  • Clearer Skin
  • Shinier Hair
  • Better Sleep
  • Clearer Thinking
  • Better detoxification


The price for the Cellcore Parasite Program amounts to $285.

This cost covers:

  • All the required supplements and shakes for the Cellcore Parasite Program.
  • A comprehensive program manual in written form.

Billing & Payment Options?

Payments can be made through All Major Credit Cards, Cash, Check HAS/FS or Care Credit. Payment is due before your scheduled visit.

There is an additional 4% processing fee on credit card or debit payments.


Parasite Cell Core Cleanse Rockville Centre NY | (516) 868-8100