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E = MC square graphic

Quantum Nutrition in Rockville Centre

Einstein’s Big Idea: E-mc2 Health Explanation

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

- Albert Einstein

How does one of the world’s most famous equation correlate to your health?

“Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.”

On the most basic level of existence- everything is equivalent to a frequency!

In our office, “E” in E=mc2, is measured by the size of your bio-energetic field using applied kinesiology or muscle testing, allowing us to quantify the size of your body’s life force energy.

The bio-energetic field represents the energy harnessed by every individual’s body to perceive the surroundings and make essential adaptations for optimal functional.

In the equation (E=mc2), “m” represents the mass of the body where “E” and “m” are interchangeable. They are different representations of the same thing. In other words, the amount of energy present represents the vitality of the body and vice versa.

E=mc2, is grounded in the understanding that the body constantly emits energy fields that interact with both the internal and external environment. When these energy fields become disrupted, it can result in experiencing health issues.

How long is it going to take to get better, is determined by “c” in E=mc2. The “c” represents exponential time. Unfortunately, time is the only variable we have no control over. Your healing is an individual journey that is determined and dependent on many variables such as your genetics, internal and external factors.

What is Quantum Nutrition Testing ® ?

Welcome to the realm of Quantum Nutrition Testing, where we delve into the extraordinary world of frequency energies. According to Oxford Dictionary frequency is defined as “the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light).”

Science provides education regarding the natural laws of the universe and their existence through courses such as, chemistry, physics, and quantum physics. These natural laws govern the world as we see it.

We determine how these frequencies influence your body and they show up as the following stressors:

  • 1. Food sensitivities,
  • 2. Nutritional deficiencies,
  • 3. Chemical and Metal energetic toxicities,
  • 4. Immune Energetic Challenges: Parasites, Bacterial, Fungal, Mold, Yeast, Viral and Prion,
  • 5. Scar interferences that have been correlated to the function of the sympathetic and para sympathetic nervous system.
Our goal is to match the frequency of your body’s stressors, that are creating the health challenges with bio-identically matched nutrients, supplements and foods that are going to help support your vitality, nervous system and overall health. The greater your bio-energetic field, the higher your vitality and longevity.


First Visit: What to expect

At Within Natural Health, you’ll encounter a distinct level of care. Dr. Esther Jimenez views her patients as holistic individuals, rather than merely a collection of symptoms or body parts. The primary emphasis is on pinpointing and addressing the root causes that contribute to your pain, illness, and chronic diseases.

During this extensive evaluation, we will review your medical history, inquire about your life’s timeline, explore your individual requirements and preferences, consider any necessary diagnostic testing, and deliberate on a potential initial care plan for the future.

We will take into account various factors, including:

Environmental Influences: This encompasses aspects such as diet, physical activity, exposure to toxins, and past traumas.

Biological & Genetic Influences: This involves examining factors like hormonal regulation, nutrient digestion and absorption, allergies to environmental and dietary elements, immune system functioning, and inflammatory responses.

Mind-Body Connection: This area delves into psychological, spiritual, and social factors that exert an influence on your health and overall energy levels.

First Visit Paperwork:

Please ensure that you bring the following documents from the emailed New Patient Packet, printed and fully completed:

    • New Patient Intake Form
    • New Patient 2 Day Food Intake
    • Symptom Survey
    • Pregnancy Disclaimer (if applicable)
    • What is Nutrition Response Testing Article
    • Accompanying Nutrition Response Testing Quiz to article
    • Fragrance Free Zone Policy
    • Nutrition Response Testing Permission & Authorization Form
    • Additional Paperwork & Diagnostic Tests from other doctors such as: Blood Work, Lab Reports, Diagnostic Imaging, etc.

How Long is a New Patient Appointment?

New patients should anticipate spending around 1.5 Hours during the in-person appointment. Please allocate an extra 10 minutes for check-out and scheduling purposes.

How Long is the Report of Findings?

We allocate sufficient time to ensure that all your health-related inquiries are thoroughly addressed. This in-person appointment typically spans approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.

Second Visit: What to expect

Following your initial visit, we will promptly schedule a follow-up appointment within the week to ensure that your exam findings remain stable, as changes beyond a two-week period may affect testing outcomes. During your second appointment with Dr. Esther Jimenez, she will craft a personalized care plan based on the information gathered from your Intake paperwork, consultation, examination and diagnostic test results.

This plan is designed to empower you, providing you with the skills necessary to prevent illness and maintain optimal health. All of these details will be thoroughly discussed during your second appointment, and your care plan will be continuously tailored to address your evolving needs on an individualized basis.


A program will be developed based on examination findings. These findings will be reviewed with you on your report of findings visit.

Billing & Payment Options

Payments can be made through All Major Credit Cards, Cash, Check, HSA/FSA accounts or financing through Care Credit. Payment is due before your scheduled visit.

• There is an additional 4% processing fee on credit card or debit payments.

Our Holistic approach can help your body heal and improve overall well-being, as well as play a supportive role for conventional medical treatment in enhancing your quality of life.

Would you like to experience better health through Bio-Energetic Field Testing, Nutrition Response Testing or Quantum Nutrition Testing?

Contact us today for your consultation.

Quantum Nutrition Rockville Centre NY | (516) 868-8100